What a day to be identified with the death and resurrection of Jesus!
It was a wonderful, warm evening at Hydro Park on the Columbia River.
Ben told us a few weeks ago that he wanted to be baptized, so Jack, Ben, and I (Bridget) went to the baptism class. Ben decided he didn't have a really good understanding of it, so he was going to wait. Jack went back and forth on the matter all week, but decided to overcome his fear of being in front of everyone and go for it last night! It was a great celebration, as we shared the event of baptism with with Isaiah (from our first Life Group) and Amber, Taber, and Akira (from our current Life Group). Worship and dessert, and lots of great time with our church family made it a night to remember.
Jack fell out of a tree and skinned his whole side and underside of his arm, followed by a huge bleeding gash on his knee a few minutes later, all in the half hour prior to his baptism.