I think God sent us an angel today.
We were driving along, the four of us, in Big Jim, when suddenly a “machine” with a passenger (a motorcycle used as a taxi) dodged right in front of us and we hit him. It was so quick, the driver and passenger were bouncing off before I finished my hands-to-mouth gasp. Their cat-like reflexes were amazing. They (and the machine) bounced to the right into the traffic “lane” they had come from, and in mid-air they had both turned, mouthed “SORRY,” and made sure they were not going to be immediately plowed over. God is good. We pulled over (a parking spot was available!) and Devin jumped out to see if they were OK. The boys and I remained in the truck and started praying, first “thank you,” and trying to sing. Jack interjected that now he knows he doesn’t want to get in a car accident, and we prayed a bit more.
Wouldn’t you know it, “Yellow Fever,” the Nigerian police department was RIGHT there. Now, this is not generally thought of as a good thing. Three of them may have seen the accident happen, and they were ready to let us just go (to keep the flow of traffic), but in the time it took for Devin to walk from the tailgate to the seat and close the door, at least 20 Nigerians had surrounded us and were shouting. I kept saying to the boys, to calm us all, “do not fear, continue to pray, God is in control.” It seemed as if every machine fare operator in the area was suddenly there – like a union of sorts – and wanted us to pay something. For a minute, someone got in league with Yellow Fever, who told us we needed to pay because the machine is spoiled, but the driver and passenger were continue to say the accident was their fault. It got loud and many fists were pumped in the air. As I was praying, “Lord take over this situation,” He sent and Angel. I saw a huge black man – huge as in taller by head and shoulders over everyone – come and stand right in front of the center of the hood. He didn’t look angry; he looked like he was on a mission. He was so tall and his voice was booming. He didn’t enter into the fray, but led the others to let us go. In less than a minute. I didn’t really even catch his eye, but before we knew it, we were being shooed along!
Just to give detail – they’ll use that machine, but it will need work. Big Jim has a miracle mark along the front grill and bumper, but all the precious cargo is fine.
Tonight I pray for those two young men, and for Nigeria. Can’t we all just get along?? I am living with my head partially in the clouds, knowing everything will change as Jesus continues to penetrate this area, and that it will be a whole lot better around here! I have heard a call to assemble to battle – was this Angel already a General? He was somebody. He was authority. Tonight I thank God for his sending help in time of need!