Monday, February 8, 2010


How I want to learn first time obedience.

All afternoon, the Lord was speaking to me, wooing me, saying “come away and praise me and look at all I’ve done.” We were having an ongoing chat and I was making notes on whatever was in front of me, looking forward to evening when I could drop everything else. It was lovely and a longing at the same time.

Because school gets out early on Fridays, by about 3 it was very quiet around here – much quieter than ever! I was singing to the Lord as I made dinner, and let the boys play some video games while I stole away to my darkened room to pray for a few minutes. Devin was out of town, so I knew by evening I would have some soaking time with the Lord. I have an iPod shuffle (thanks Kelley) loaded up with WOW Hymns and some other worship songs, with some of my favorites being from the California Baptist choir. I knew our time was coming. I kept making little notes and was so irritated that my pen wasn’t working, because I didn’t have time to make a big list or wait for ink…

But Friday night is our prayer meeting.

I love prayer meeting! It is much smaller than church, with somewhere around 10 adults and 10 children fidgeting and finally sleeping on benches. There is no set schedule, but it seems to include about a half hour of getting your heart right through confession, listening, and speaking to the enemy to flee and the Holy Spirit to take over. Of course, much of this speaking is through song. Then there is about a half hour of teaching. Then there is a solid hour of prayer where our Pastor gives us a guide and we all pray out loud at the same time, then we move on to the next topic together. There is always opportunity for a song to drive the prayer home. Sometimes it includes walking out over the school grounds, sometimes laying of hands for healing but ALWAYS prayers for healing and protection. Sometimes it is more passive than others, but it quite often gets violent, or should I say authoritative.

Anyway, at 7:30 I was enjoying the boys, anticipating the prayer meeting and then special time in prayer alone after. We walked over at 8. As the flow began, I was just “trying.” In Nigeria this is a compliment, showing that you are really giving it your best effort, but in this case I know God was seeing it as STRIVING. I wanted to be there to support my Pastor, my church, and also I just love it. About 8:45, Pastor John was looking for an “amen” from the congregation to back up a good scripture he was using. He shouted “Wake up, church!” Now, a pastor shouting is NO PROBLEM around here. Things tend to get loud. But this time it was like a ton of bricks on me from the Holy Spirit – OOOPS.

“Wake up! Don’t tell ME ‘I’m coming,’ – COME!” So, I left the prayer meeting, and walked across the courtyard home. We got ready for bed, and I was blessed to have the boys sleep with me since Devin is gone. I plugged in my iPod to listen to WOW Hymns and various other favorites.

AAHHHHHHHHHHHHH! For hours, I prayed and sang and prayed over the boys, but mostly just praised my sweet Lord. He is so incredibly faithful. Now THAT is where I am supposed to be! I don’t know about the men reading this – can you have the feeling of stealing away with a lover? The intensity of the love is enough to carry me forward for days and weeks!

We train our kids that obedience is right away, all the way, without complaining – or it is disobedience. I know I am forgiven. Now, I pray I can rise to this level of obedience. Not my will, Lord, but Thine! And Thy timing!!

1 comment:

  1. I love the way you write. So inspiring. I wish I were there with you. Why is it that it seems we need to go half way around the world to meet God? This world we live in over here seems so hard to find him sometimes. I am so blessed to know you and have this connection with you all the way over there ;) You go, rockstar ;)
