Sunday, August 22, 2010


It’s Friday night at the Myers’ place.  It’s the first night in many, many months that the four of us have been alone.  So, observe how we spent the evening.  Special note:  Unseen is the cloth across the window to darken the room (we had to start a movie before dark in anticipation of prayer meeting from 8 to 10).

1.       Locked gate (aka “protector”) to the Assembly Hall

2.       Big screen (a gift for ministry to show films in the camps) set up for Fantastic 4 Silver Surfer

3.       Projector (also a gift for same ministry)

4.       DVD player/speaker/amp (purchased with gift money outside our budget- completes the film ministry package!)

5.       No shirts, no shoes, fully coated with Off! Spray (leftover bottle left by WFMC)

6.       One pepperoni pizza, one combo (bought cheese in Abuja this week and WFMC team brought pepperoni stick)

7.       Crystal light (gift from US)

8.       Tabasco (gift from US)

9.       Malaria medicine to take with meal

10.   New sewing machine (dedicated gift from the US – used earlier to repair 4 Fulani boys clothing items)

11.   Red vines bits for the movie (just arrived in care package)

So you see, we are well taken care of!  As much as we are getting used to the constant flow of people through “our” house, it is good just to lock the doors and laugh together (and alone) sometimes.  Thanks to all of you who have brought us so many comforts of home!!


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