Saturday, July 30, 2011

need vs. want

How can it be?
I was living in a place where many people don't own any shoes, and most only
own one pair, for which they were very thankful even if the fit wasn't
great. I had to leave suddenly because of Ben's medical needs and only
could carry the shoes on my feet. For a over a week I was OK, and didn't
even think about my appearance much, since so much else was going on. Soon
I began to get so SICK of my pink tennis shoes. They are comfortable and in
good shape, but definitely not too stylish with my two long skirts I had in
my bag. They even have "SuperFeet" insoles! I am so blessed! And yet, I
found myself noticing my lack - if I just had some cute shoes. Not that
there is anything wrong with cute shoes! I am just saying, it's easier to
be simple and thankful when times are hard. It gets comfortable and
something like a good pair of shoes can make me confuse need (shoes) vs.
want (lots of cute shoes).
Rats. I thought maybe this missionary thing would cure me. By the way, I
have more now.

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