Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Read this today from the ICCM update

"Holy One of Israel, who called Abraham and Sarah out of Ur, who called us, your church, out of the nations, save us from self-righteousness.  You have made us different so that our difference might save the world.  But too often our differences tempt us to ridicule because the world, after all, is ridiculous.  Never let us forget that we too are the world, and so also ridiculous.  Shape the judgments of our neighbors and our own foolish judgments by your love, so that we might be together saved--that is, be a people that continue the journey out of Ur.  Amen." -- Stanley Hauerwas in Prayers Plainly Spoken    


Our church is focusing on unity, and this speaks to the heart of unity and judgment.  Too true not to pass on…

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